Ana Alancastro

Talk to me Toll Free Now!  877-422-8940


A topic in the news:  cell phone and texting related accidents. 

Windham, New Hampshire – January 4, 2010: With over 250 Million mobile phones in use in the US , concerns mount over the inherent danger of driving while manually operating these mobile devices. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 800,000 drivers are using mobile phones "hands on" at any given moment in the US, and that such distracted driving led to nearly 6,000 deaths and over 500,000 traffic accident related injuries in 2008 alone. The Nightly News, Internet networking sites, and blogosphere are riddled with dramatic accounts and concern, but will Americans give up their right to communicate from the driver's seat? In an effort to curb the loss of life and property damage, states all across the country have legislated stiff fines, and in some cases automatic jail time for repeat offenders, yet statistics still escalate.

The solution is not to prohibit communication, but to change the way we communicate. It is now possible to dial your phone, check and reply to voicemail, check and reply to email, even send text messages without touching your phone – simply with the power of your voice.

Be a part of the solution. 


No matter were you live in the U.S. , Canada , Puerto Rico or Hawaii you can run this business virtually from home.    


Opportunity for Spanish speaking








 Hollywood Fl. 33020


